Day 1 Numbers and Alphabets ⭐︎
Day 1.
Let’s study numbers.
1: one. 2: two. 3: three. 4: four. 5: five. 6: six. 7: seven. 8: eight. 9: nine. 10: ten. 11: eleven. 12: twelve. 13: thirteen. 14: fourteen. 15: fifteen. 16: sixteen. 17: seventeen. 18: eighteen. 19: nineteen.
Let’s practice numbers again.
There are bigger numbers.
100: one hundred. 200: two hundred. 550: five hundred fifty, five fifty.
1,000: one thousand. 1,050: one thousand and fifty, ten fifty
3,200: three thousand and two hundred, thirty-two hundred.
10,000: ten thousand.
250,000: two hundred fifty thousand.
1,000,000: one million.
Numbers are another use like this.
1: 1st. 2: 2nd. 3: 3rd. 4: 4th. 5: 5th. 6: 6th. 7: 7th. 8: 8th. 9: 9th. 10: 10th.
Next, let’s learn alphabets.
A: Apple. B: Bicycle. C: Car.
D: Door. E: English. F: Friend.
G: Good. H: Heart. I: Island.
J: Japan. K: King. L: Love.
M:Moon. N: Nice. O: Open.
P: Point. Q: Question. R: Regular.
S: Student. T: Time. U: Unique.
V: Victory. W: What. X: X-ray. Y: Year.
Z: Zebra.
Let’s practice alphabets again.
A: Amazon. B: Book. C: Canada.
D: Dynamite. E: Engine. F: Finland.
G: Germany. H: Hawaii. I: India.
J: Jump. K: Kitchen. L: Lion.
M: Mexico. N: Newspaper. O: Ocean.
P: Pumpkin. Q: Quiz. R: Rain.
S: School. T: Television. U: USA.
V: Virus. W: Water. X: Xavier.
Y: Yellow. Z: Zero.
1日目 ⭐︎
25万を英語で表す場合には 250,000ですから”two hundred fifty thousand"となります。
ややこしいのが西暦2021年を"twenty twenty-one"と2桁+2桁となることが多いです。
また、日付などは"1st", "2nd", "3rd”と表します。何番目についてのfirst, second, thirdと同じです。
Apple. アップル Bicycle.自転車 Car. 車
Door. ドア English. 英語 Friend. 友達
Good. 良い Heart. 心・心臓 Island. 島
Japan. 日本 King. 王様 Love 愛情
Moon. 月 Nice. 良い Open. 開かれた
Point. ポイント Question. 質問 Regular. レギュラー
Student. 生徒 Time. 時間 Unique. ユニーク
Victory. 勝ち What. 何 X-ray. X線 Year. 1年
Amazon. アマゾン Book. 本 Canada. カナダ
Dynamite. ダイナマイト Engine.エンジン Finland. フィンランド
Germany. ドイツ Hawaii. ハワイ India. インド
Jump. ジャンプ Kitchen. キッチン Lion.ライオン
M: Mexico. N: Newspaper. O: Ocean.
P: Pumpkin. Q: Quiz. R: Rain.
S: School. T: Television. U: USA.
V: Virus. W: Water. X: Xavier.
Y: Yellow. Z: Zero.
Day 2 be | am | are | is ⭐︎
Day 2.
“be” is the starting point to learn English.
Its rule is simple. When saying about people, there are 3 types, “am”, “are”, and “is”.
1. “am”. I am Japanese. I am 30 years old.
2. “are”. You are young. You are Canadian. They are professional soccer player.
3. “is”. She is an elementary school student. He is a businessperson.
Let’s practice listening and speaking phrases below.
I am proud of my score of the English test. I am rookie year in The University of Tokyo.
Are you high school student? You are so smart. They are junior high school students.
She is cute. He is Japanese.
When saying about an item or a thing, there are 2 types, “is” for 1 item and “are” for 2 or more items.
1. “is”. This is my PlayStation. Is that building your school? It is not a book. It is a notebook. It is a tomato. This is my iPhone.
2. “are”. These games are a lot of fun. These hamburgers are for our lunch.
Job is a good word when you practice “be.”
I am a journalist.
You are a professional guitar player.
My brother is an actor.
My dream is a comedian in the future.
We use “be” for time and weather.
What time is it now?
It is 9 pm.
It is sunny today.
2日目 ⭐︎
1人称 am
2人称 are
3人称 is
複数形の場合には areで統一されています。
ものやことについてbe動詞は単数ならis, 複数ならareで統一です。どんなに大きなものでも数が一つ、二つ以上か、で判断します。
覚えておくと便利なのが時間や天気にit isの形です。このitは意味がない場合に用いることが多いです。
Day 3 Do ⭐︎
Day 3.
Let’s study 5 words: “do”, “have”, “get”, “take” and “make”. These words are very useful.
1. Do.
“Do” is the most basic word among English words.
Do you study homework? Yes, I do.
What do you want to do on the weekend? I want to go to the shopping mall.
I always do my best.
There are many “do plus something.”
“do good” means helpful. “do a job” means work.
2. Have.
“Have” is used in many situations.
Do you have an iPhone? Yes, I have iPhone 12.
I did not have breakfast this morning, so I am hungry now.
We are going to have a video conference this afternoon.
Do you have any plans for this evening?
3. Get.
“Get” is also used on many occasions.
“Get” means becoming something like emotions and actions. For example, I got angry at my child. We get excited to hear the news about the baseball game.
“Let’s get started” means “To start something”.
My mother gets up at 6 am every morning, and I get up at 7 am.
I get on the train at Tokyo West station and will get off it at the Tokyo East station.
4. Take.
We often take a walk together in the park.
Can you take a picture for use? Of course.
Grandmother’s birthday party will take place on 1st September.
Parents must take care of their children.
I like to watch an airplane taking off into the air.
5. Make.
“make it” means “succeed”. “make sure” means “check”.
Will you make a reservation for our trip to Hong Kong? Yes, I will.
My teacher makes a short speech during homeroom every afternoon.
My sister made several mistakes in the English test.
3日目 動詞 ⭐︎
Do以外ならHaveです。ご飯もhave、have a nice dayなどもあります。
have a partyなど「〜をする」もhaveになります。
Get は変化のイメージです。get startedは「始まった状態になる」
get upはupになる=起きた状態になる。
get excited, get angryのように感情の変化をgetが表します。
takeはtake actionというくらい行動を表す熟語や慣用句が多いです。take a walkになんでaがつくのか意味不明です。
take care ofがなんでofなのかもそういうもの、と受け入れるしかありません。。
Day 4 and | or ⭐︎
Day 4.
Today, we study “and” and “or”. These words are used to connect/select English, “subject and/or subject,” “verb and/or verb,” “object and/or object”, and “sentence and/or sentence”. Let’s see one by one.
1. And.
When “and” connects “subject and subject,”
My friends and I play soccer in the park.
My mother and my father plan to travel to Italy.
Canada and Mexico are located in North American.
When “and” connects “verb and verb,”
We visited New York last year and enjoyed the musical.
Can you drive and take me to the station?
When “and” connects “object and object”,
I want to drink orange juice and water.
Students study Math and English at the university.
Most children like Nintendo and Play Station.
When “and” connects “sentence and sentence,”
Nike is the US sports brand, and Adidas is German sports brand.
Students enjoyed the school trip to Paris last year, and they plan to travel to Rome this year.
When “and” connects “to do and to do,”
We learned how to speak English and how to listen to English.
My teacher advises us to collect information about the university and apply for it.
When “and” connects “adjective and adjective,”
A traffic light is blue, yellow and red.
There are many terminal stations in Tokyo, including Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Shibuya, etc.
2. Or.
“or” selects many words like “and” connects. “or” means “A or B.”
When “or” selects “subject or subject,”
My friend or I will be chosen as the leader of our class.
My brother or my father goes to the convenience store to buy milk and egg.
Thai dish or Vietnamese dish is today’s daily lunch.
When “or” selects “verb or verb,”
Today, we go to the park or visit my uncle.
How do you study English, “listen to English podcasts or read English textbooks?
When “or” connects “object or object”,
Which do you want to drink, green tea or tea?
Each student chooses his/her major among Natural Science, Social Science, Economics, History, Engineering, Business, Computer Science etc.
Each student can select Japanese, English, or Italian for studying a second language.
4日目 andとor ⭐︎
Day 5 year ⭐︎
Day 5.
Let’s study 1 year.
A year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. There are 365 days in a year.
1. January is the 1st month.
2. February is the 2nd month.
3. March is the 3rd month.
4. April is the 4th month.
5. May is the 5th month.
6. June is the 6th month.
7. July is the 7th month.
8. August is the 8th month.
9. September is the 9th month.
10. October is the 10th month.
11. November is the 11th month.
12. December is the 12th and final month.
There are 7 days in 1 week.
The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.
The weekday is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
There are 4 seasons.
Spring is March through May.
Summer is from June to August.
Autumn is September, October, and November.
Winter starts in December and ends in February
5日目 1年を英語で ⭐︎
1月. January
2月. February
3月. March
4月. April
5月 May
6月. June.
7月. July
8月. August
9月. September
10月. October
11月. November
12月. December
There are 4 seasons.
Spring 春
Summer 夏
Autumn 秋
Winter 冬
Day 6 Country ⭐︎
Day 6.
Let’s listen to country names. Country names A to Z.
A Australia.
B. Belgium. Brazil.
C. Cambodia. Cameroon. Canada.
D. Denmark. Dominican Republic.
E. Egypt. Ethiopia.
F. Finland. France.
G. Ghana. Greece.
H. Hungary.
I. Indonesia.
J. Jamaica. Jordan.
K. Kenya. South Korea.
L. Lebanon. Luxembourg.
M.Maldives. Mexico.
N. Nepal. Nigeria.
P. Pakistan. Portugal.
Q. Qatar.
R. Russia.
S. Spain. Sri Lanka.
T. Thailand. Turkey.
U. Ukraine.
V. Venezuela. Vietnam.
Y. Yemen.
Z. Zimbabwe.
6日目 国の名前 ⭐︎
Day 6.
Let’s listen to country names. Country names A to Z.
A Australia.オーストラリア
B. Belgium. Brazil. ベルギー・ブラジル
C. Cambodia. Cameroon. Canada.カンボジア・カメルーン・カナダ
D. Denmark. Dominican Republic.デンマーク・ドミニカ
E. Egypt. Ethiopia. エジプト・エチオピア
F. Finland. France.フィンランド・フランス
G. Ghana. Greece.ガーナ・ギリシャ
H. Hungary.ハンガリー
I. Indonesia. インドネシア
J. Jamaica. Jordan.ジャマイカ・ヨルダン
K. Kenya. South Korea. ケニア・韓国
L. Lebanon. Luxembourg.レバノン・ルクセンブルグ
M.Maldives. Mexico.モルディブ・メキシコ
N. Nepal. Nigeria. ネパール・ナイジェリア
P. Pakistan. Portugal.パキスタン・ポルトガル
Q. Qatar.カタール
R. Russia. ロシア
S. Spain. Sri Lanka.スペイン・スリランカ
T. Thailand. Turkey. タイ・トルコ
U. Ukraine. ウクライナ
V. Venezuela. Vietnam.ベネズエラ・ベトナム
Y. Yemen.イエメン
Z. Zimbabwe.ジンバブエ
Day 7 Time ⭐︎
Day 7.
Almost all languages have ways to show “present”, “past”, and “future”.
1. Present.
We usually use “present.”
“present” includes today, now, this month, this week, current season, etc.
My sister gets up at 7 am every morning.
Students go to their elementary school Monday through Friday.
The library in this town is open throughout the year.
It is sunny today.
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
2. Future.
Words used to show "future" are tomorrow, day after tomorrow, next month, next week, in the future, etc. “will do” and “be going to do “are used for the future.
I will get up at 9 am tomorrow.
My family is going to visit Kyoto this coming autumn.
My younger sister will be ten years old on her birthday, 1st July.
We will have a video meeting the day after tomorrow.
Will you go to the park this weekend?
Another form of “future” is “plan to do.”
I plan to study English at the library this weekend.
My mother told me that she would travel to the USA in the next month.
3. Past.
English changes do into “did” for the past.
“have” changes into “had.” “get” changes into “got.”
My mother got up at 6 am this morning.
My big brother studied homework yesterday.
Many words show “past,” such as yesterday, last week, and last year.
There was the city festival in the city hall last week.
Did you watch the movie aired on cable television?
Time has some formats such as day, month, etc.
4. at.
"at" means a short time.
The English test will start at 11 am.
Our flight to New York will depart at noon tomorrow.
"night" is with "at."
The concert will be over at night.
We go to bed at night.
5. in.
Morning, afternoon, and evening are "in."
I, together with my dog, take a walk in every morning.
We are going to play tennis in this afternoon.
Can I visit you in this evening?
"in" is used for a month and a year.
iPhone 12 was released in October 2020.
The previous Tokyo Olympics was held in 1964.
6. on.
"day" is with "on."
A new year starts on January 1st.
Do you have a Math class on Thursday?
7. during.
"during" means period.
Many people enjoy ski during winter vacation.
My English improved during the one-week orientation.
All students need to register for classes during the registration period.
8. for.
Continuing to do needs "for."
My father lives in central Tokyo for two years.
I have worked at the hospital as a nurse for six months.
9. before.
"before" means earlier than a time.
We should check the email before we send it.
You need to get to the station before a train comes.
10. after.
"after" means later than a time.
Let's have lunch together after the meeting.
The young under 18 years old are not allowed to enter the game center after 10 pm.
11. by.
"by" means deadline.
Will you send a message to the client by tomorrow?
Newspapers are distributed to each station by 6 am every morning.
12. until and till.
"until" and "till" means keep on doing something.
We waited for my father's call until 8 pm.
I have to stay at the office until 5 pm.
7日目 時間 ⭐︎
2未来形は基本的にwill, be going to を用います。tomorrowやnext week, in the futureなどがあれば未来形が多いです。
他にはplan to do などwillを用いなくても未来のことを話すこともできます。
yesterday, last week, 2 years agoなど昔を示す言葉があります。
4 atは短い時間、決まった時間を指します。何時何分はatが多いです。
また、at nightのように決まった表現もあります。
5 in はちょっと広めの時間です。午前、午後、夕方などはinを使います。春夏秋冬もduring summerとin winterのどちらか多いです。
何年もinを用います。in 2021なら2021年です。
6 onは何日と何曜日です。1日単位がonです。
7 duringは「〜の間」というイメージです。短いものから季節など数ヶ月まで幅広く「間」を表します。
8 for は継続された期間です。何ヶ月〜してます、みたいな時にforです。
9 beforeは「〜より前に」と以前の意味です。相対的な前なので、過去でも未来でも朝でも夜でもbeforeは使えます。
10 afterはbeforeの反対で「〜よりも後に」です。
11 byは期限です。日本語の「締め切り日時」を表すときにbyを使います。
12 untilやtillは締め切りではない「〜まで」です。夕方まで雨が降っていた、会議が5時まで続いた、みたいな時に使います。
Day 8 Japan ⭐︎
Day 8. Let’s study Japan in English.
Japan is an island country in East Asia. Tokyo is Japan's capital. The Japanese population is the population of 125 million. As of 2021, the country's economy is the third-largest after the United States and China. The main items of export from Japan are cars and semiconductors.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is also a central city from tourism to food to fashion. Many fashion brands, such as Zara, Nike, Adidas, Tiffany, and New Balance, have official stores in central Tokyo, such as Ginza area.
Tokyo is one of the global financial cities along with London and New York. Many businesspersons visit Tokyo from all over the world. About 9 million people live in Tokyo's 23 special wards. Trains are crowded during the morning and evening.
Haneda international airport is the air gateway. Tokyo Metro is the city's central subway system. Tokyo Metropolitan government operates many bus routes. The Yamanote Line is the loop train service in Tokyo, Japan, operated by East Japan Railway Company. These public transportations in Tokyo operate from early morning to midnight.
Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan, located about 100 km southwest of Tokyo. We can climb the mountain only in the summer season from early July to early September. The top of Mount Fuji is cold all year long, and it can snow even in the summer.
Video gaming in Japan is a major industry. Japanese major game players include Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment, Square Enix, etc. PlayStation is a video game brand. The first PlayStation console was released in Japan in 1994. Nintendo Co., Ltd. is a Japanese video game company in Kyoto. Nintendo has produced some of the most successful products, such as the Wii and the Nintendo Switch.
The kimono is traditional Japanese wear and the national dress of Japan. The kimono is often seen at summer festivals, where people often wear the yukata, a casual type of kimono. The history of the kimono dates back to more than 1000 years ago. In 2019, the mayor of Kyoto announced that his staff tried register "Kimono Culture" on World Heritage list.
Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup. Instant noodles are made of noodles, flavoring powder and seasoning oil. Instant noodles were first released in Japan in 1958. In 1971, Nissin introduced Cup Noodles, the first cup noodle product.
8日目 日本を学ぼう ⭐︎
Day 9 Color ⭐︎
Day 9.
Let’s study color in English.
Black. Brown. Chocolate. Gray. White.
Golden. Silver. Ivory. Beige. Cream.
Khaki. Yellow. Orange. Crimson. Red.
Plum. Magenta. Pink. Salmon. Lavender.
Violet. Purple. Indigo. Navy. Light Blue.
Blue. Turquoise. Aquamarine. Cyan. Green.
Lime. Forest.
Day 10 Education ⭐︎
Day 10.
Let's study education in the world.
All children in Japan go to elementary school for 6 years. Elementary school students study Japanese, Math, Science, Music, Art, English, etc. Schools start their academic year in April and end in March next year. Children graduate from elementary school at the age of 12 and then learn at junior high school.
Some universities in Germany are free of cost. German students do not need to pay money for studying. In the United States, about half of the population attended a college or a university. There are many American universities well-known worldwide for high-quality research and education.
Singapore's and Canadian education system are unique. All students in Singapore take the standard test to decide which junior high school each student goes after elementary school. In Canada, some schools use English for classes, and other schools use French in them.
As English is one of the most global languages, mastering English gives you options for studying abroad. You can study abroad as an exchange student for a few months or a year. If you want to learn longer, you should take TOEFL to be accepted at a university in a foreign country.
10日目 教育システム ⭐︎
Day 11 Preverb ⭐︎
Day 11. Preverb.
1. Can. “can” and “could” mean an ability.
Can you speak Japanese and English?
He can run fast and swim well.
I thought that my team could win the baseball game.
2. May. “may” and “might” have mainly two meanings, 1. “Possible” and 2. “Permission.”
The first “may of possible” is like below.
You may think that that news is fake.
It may be true that my favorite singer ranks number 1 on the K-Pop monthly chart.
My girlfriend might come to the party late due to her train delayed.
The second “may of permission” is as follows:
May I park my car in this area?
Because today is my child’s birthday, may I leave the office early?
You may use my computer.
3. Should. “should” has the following two ways.
1. “should” means an obligation. 2. “should” means a presumption.
3-1. “should” means something correct or the best thing to do.
My mother tells me that I should do homework before playing the game.
Students should come to the school before 8 am.
Should we finish this job today?
3-2. “should do” means something is probably accurate or likely.
Giants should win the baseball league this year.
The flight should land on time today.
4. “must” has mainly two ways, “must of obligation” and “must of certainty”.
4-1. “must of obligation”.
We must pay a consumption tax at 10% in Japan.
All drivers must follow driving rules and regulations.
My boss must give feedback to his team members every half year.
4-2. “must of certainty” means certainty.
That news about climate change must be true.
She must be smart because she gets a high score on the Math test.
11日目 助動詞 ⭐︎
1can は「〜できる」という能力や実力を意味します。
4must「〜しなければならない」という義務を意味します。(ちなみにmust notと否定形になると「〜してはいけない」という禁止の意味になります。
Day 12 How to study ⭐︎
Day 12.
Let’s think about how to learn English.
We are sure the best way is to learn English in English.
We think that teaching English in Japanese is a problem. English grammar differs from that of Japanese. Learning English is to live in the English society.
Our advice is short and simple “Let’s forget Japanese”. Translating English into Japanese may work when you take an English examination. However, English communication is in English.
We do not study Japanese when we were a baby, but almost all Japanese can speak Japanese. This process works when we learn a second language.
The process of a baby’s learning a native language is as follows:
1. Listen to parents.
2. Speak with parents.
3. Read picture books.
4. Write words.
We should do the same from 1 to 4 above in English. We suggest that you begin learning English from basic phrases.
When listening, let’s imagine the meaning of words when you hear English. Also, one of the effective learning is phonics. Phonics is like basic rules of how to speak English words.
Speaking skills become better as you practice. If your speaking improves, you feel confident. You do not need to speak these like a native English speaker. Anyone can make mistakes in speaking a foreign language. Do not worry.
Reading has been the central part of English tests in Japan. Vocabulary and grammar may be boring to you. So, one point check is that “word order is very important in English”.
We advise studying 2 or more skills at the same time. The four skills, reading, listening, speaking, and writing, are related to each other. Our content offers native narrations for your study.
12日目 英語学習 ⭐︎
Day 13 Basic words ⭐︎
Day 13.
Today we study basic words.
“man” and “woman”. About half of Japanese are man. The other half are woman.
“week” and “day”. There are 7 days in a week.
“hand” and “foot”. When we walk, we move our hands and foots.
“eye” and “mouth”. Our eyes and mouth are closed during sleeping.
“up” and “down”. There are ups and downs in our life.
“small”, “medium” and “large”. Which size of café latte do you drink, small, medium, or large?
“car”, “train” and “airplane”. I like train better than car and airplane.
“mother” and “father”. My mother and father together run a restaurant in central Beijing.
“language” and “library”. I borrowed the two books from school library to study a second language.
“digital” and “program”. This company focuses on digitalization, so all staff learn programming such as python.
“university” and “school”. After graduating from high school, I am going to study Biology in university.
“question” and “answer”. Please read questions carefully and then write your answer.
“east” and “west”. The sun rises from east in the morning and sets to west in the evening.
“north” and “south”. In Japan, northern region is cold, and southern region is warm.
13日目 基本的な名詞 ⭐︎
例えば, decade=10年を勉強する際に
10 years are called decade と理解する方が記憶に残りやすいという具合です。
Day 14 Basic words ⭐︎
Day 14
Let’s study animals and insects in English.
A. Ant.
B. Bear.
C. Cat.
D. Dog.
E. Elephant.
F. Flamingo.
G. Giraffe.
H. Hippopotamus.
I. Iguana.
J. Jellyfish.
K. Kangaroo.
L. Lion.
M. Mouse.
N. Narwhal.
O. Octopus.
P. Pig.
Q. Quail.
R. Rabbit.
S. Snail.
T. Turtle.
U. Unicorn.
V. Vulture.
W. Walrus.
X. Xiphias.
Y. Yak.
Z. Zebra.
14日目 動物と昆虫 ⭐︎
14日目は動物と昆虫でアルファベットです。日本語に近いI:イグアナ、L:ライオン があれば、 G:Giraffeがキリンとなっていたりと様々です。
Ant. アント アリさん
Bear. ベアー くまさん
Cat. キャット ねこさん
Dog. ドッグ ワンちゃん
Elephant. エレファント ぞうさん
Flamingo. フラミンゴ
Giraffe. ジラフ キリンさん
Hippopotamus. カバさん
Iguana. イグアナ
Jellyfish. ジェリーフィッシュ クラゲ
Kangaroo. カンガルーさん
Lion. ライオンさん
Mouse. ネズミさん
Narwhal. イッカク
Octopus. オクトパス たこ
Pig. ぶたさん
Quail. ウズラ
Rabbit. うさぎさん
Snail. ナメクジ
Turtle. カメさん
Ucorn. ユニコーン
Vulture. ハゲワシ
Walrus. セイウチ
Xiphias. メカジキ
Zebra. ゼブラ シマウマさん
Day 15 "to do" ⭐︎
Day 15. to do
“to do” is used in many ways. It is helpful to study this grammar.
What you need “to do” is “to get” used to “to do.” You can use “to do” at several positions in a sentence.
1. We will discuss our plan to visit Universal Studio Japan this summer.
2. To practice English hard makes my English better.
3. We need to stop at the intersection when a traffic light is red.
One point you need to know is “who is the one to do?”.
1. My mother asked me to go to Seven Eleven and buy milk. In this sentence, “me” is the one to do.
2. I speak to my mom and dad about my plan to apply to the university. In this case, “I” is the one to apply.
“to do” has variations. For example, “want to do,” “need to do,” “have to do,” etc.
1.“want to do”
I want to be a professional soccer player in the future.
Which company does she want to work for after graduating from college?
2. “need to do”
I need to go to the office on Saturday this week to have a meeting with my client.
What do we need to prepare for the English test next month?
3. “have to do”
We have to ride on the train at 7 am because my flight to New York departs at 10 am.
When driving a car, we have to keep the traffic rules.
4. “like to do”
What do you like to do on the weekend?
I like to play basketball and swim during summer vacation.
5. “plan to do”
My family plans to move to Tokyo, Japan.
My company plans to recruit a new member this month.
6. “enable to do”.
Our service enables our customers to speak English.
The Internet enables people to get more information and connect with friends online.
7. “be able to do”
My brother is able to read and write in Japanese and Chinese.
Your goal during the summer program is to be able to swim 25 meters.
8. “how to do”
They learn how to cook cheese hamburgers.
She teaches how to use a smartphone and internet for her children.
9. “allow to do”
We are not allowed to smoke tobacco outside.
My company does not allow workers to work overtime for more than 3 hours a day.
15日目 to不定詞 ⭐︎
例えば, decade=10年を勉強する際に
10 years are called decade と理解する方が記憶に残りやすいという具合です。
1. want to do
I want to be a professional soccer playe
2. need to do
I need to go to the office on Saturday
3. have to do
We have to ride on the train at 7 am
4. like to do
What do you like to do on the weekend?
5. plan to do
My family plans to move to Tokyo
6. enable to do
The Internet enables people to connect with friends online.
7. be able to do
My brother is able to read and write in Chinese
8. how to do
She teaches how to use a smartphone for her children.
9. allow to do
My company does not allow workers to work overtime