⭐︎ Basic 読みやすい
⭐︎⭐︎ Intermediate 読み応えがある
Overview of TOEIC ⭐︎
The length of TOEIC L&R is two hours. Test takers use an optically scanned answer sheet.
There are 200 questions to answer in the test. The first section is Listening. The listening section has 100 questions, part one through part four in 45 minutes. Part one is the easiest to answer, and part four is the hardest.
The reading section is the next, with 75 minutes from part five to part seven. The number of questions in the reading section is 100, the same as the listening section. The reading length is the shortest in part five, and part seven has the longest passage in the section.
You need to mark your answers on your answer sheet, not in the test book. The test is only in English. There are no Japanese explanations or instructions in Japanese.
TOEIC is designed to evaluate the ability of international communication, so no question requires a translation between Japanese and English. The same question format is used each time. We advise you to get used to the format before you take the test.
TOEICの概要 ⭐︎
Listening ⭐︎
There are four parts in the Listening section.
Part one.
Part one is to select the correct explanation of photographs in the textbook.The number of questions in this part is six.
Four short statements regarding a photograph will be spoken only one time. Please be informed that the statements will only be narrated, not be printed in the textbook. You need to select the one which best describes the photograph.
Part two.
Part two is to select the correct response to one question or statement. Neither responses nor questions will be printed in the textbook. Select the best response for the question, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. The key is to listen carefully to narration to understand questions. There are twenty-five questions in this part.
Part three.
Part three is to answer several questions based on Conversations between two or three people. Questions are printed in the textbook, but conversations are not. Listen to each conversation and read the questions in the test book (the questions will also be spoken), select the best response for the question.
This part may require you to connect the information in conversation in tables and diagrams printed on the test book. There are three questions for each conversation, and the total in this part is 39 questions.
Part four.
Part four is similar to part three. Part four is to answer several questions based on narrations. Questions are printed in the textbook, but narrations are not. Listen to each conversation and read the questions in the test book (the questions will also be spoken), select the best response for the question.
リスニング ⭐︎
Reading ⭐︎
Part five.
Part five is the first part of the Reading section. This part is like a grammatical or vocabulary question. Each question in this part is an incomplete sentence. Select the best answer of the four choices to complete the sentence, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. There are 30 questions.
Part six.
Part six is similar to part five. Select the best answer of the four choices (words, phrases, or a sentence) to complete the text, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. There are four questions for each text. You utilize your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, context, etc. The text includes letters, direct mails, questionnaires, articles, etc.
Part seven.
Part seven is the central part of the Reading section. Part seven is from many different text types such as email, chat, email, response, flyer, etc. Some questions have tables and charts in addition to text. You need to read not only texts but also the numbers in them.
リーディング ⭐︎
Speaking ⭐︎
TOEIC Speaking test measures English speaking ability in business situations. There are six tasks with eleven questions. The test taker can select appropriate words when speaking in English, such as giving and receiving directions, asking for and giving information, asking for and giving clarification, making purchases, and greetings and introductions). The whole test does not require specific knowledge to answer; you need to practice before the test.
Task one is to read a text aloud. There are two questions in this task, and Test-taker reads aloud a short text, such as an announcement or advertisement. You have forty-five seconds with thirty seconds for answer preparation. You do not need to think about what you answer in this task.
Task two is to tell about a picture with only one question. Test-taker gives a verbal description of a photograph shown. You need to compose your answer from task two. You have forty-five seconds with forty-five seconds for answer preparation.
Task three is to respond to questions. You need to answer three questions in task three. Test-taker responds to questions on a commonplace topic as if responding in an interview. Questions are all business-related. You do not need specific knowledge to answer this task.
Task four is to respond to questions based on the information provided. Test-taker responds to questions based on written communication (such as a schedule of events) that appears on the screen. You need to both read English and speak in this task.
Task five is to propose a solution. Test-taker listens to a voice mail message describing a problem and gives a response. In the response, the test-taker indicates recognition of the problem and proposes a solution. You need both listening and speaking skills. Your answer is in sixty seconds with forty-five seconds for preparation.
Task six is the last in TOEIC Speaking. Test-taker expresses an opinion about a specific topic and the reasons for that opinion. You need to tell your opinion and reasons in sixty seconds.
スピーキング ⭐︎