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⭐︎   Basic  読みやすい



If you are kid, grammar is not good to study. You can learn it later.


The point above is one of the most discussed topics regarding children’s learning English. There are both affirmative and negative opinions on this. We advise you to skip grammar until you become grade 4 or older in elementary school.


Another advice related to learning grammar is that the intermediate level enables you to enjoy studying grammatical points. Before reaching intermediate, it is boring to read a grammatical textbook. 

Grammar is the rules of English. The basic rules of English decide the structure of English sentences. They design how to put words in a sentence. English grammar and Japanese grammar differ entirely.


One of the essential points when learning English grammar is the importance of the word order in English. LRIGHT ENGLISH thinks that about half of learning grammar is to study the word order.


The word order in English is more complicated than that of Japanese. We Japanese have to adjust to the English version of the word order.


The first step is to know the importance. When learning basic English, you do not need to take care of the word order because it is not interesting. You should put priority to have fun learning English.


After reaching intermediate, it is a good time to focus more on grammatical. Learning English grammar includes a large number of points. Let’s enjoy studying hard.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:22


LRIGHT ENGLISHは英文法を重視していますが、小学校低学年のうちは英文法を学習しないことをおすすめしています。














1. be | ​am | are | is⭐︎  

“be” is the starting point to learn English.

Its rule is simple; 

1.           I am.

2.           You are. They are. Apples are. Three types are.

3.           She is. He is. It is. This is. That is. 


These three types “are” the basic rule of “be.”



“be” is the basic. When you use “can,” “will,” “should,” etc., you use “be” with these words such as “You will be” or “It can be.”


Practice makes your English skill. Let’s practice listening and speaking phrases below.


I am Japanese.


You are young.


He is tall.


She is cute.


It is not a book. It is a notebook.


They are junior high school students. 


We advises you to practice listening and speaking when you study  English.


If you practice these for three days, you can keep these in your memory. If you continue the practice for one week, your English will be much better.


Let’s speak about yourself, such as below!

You are a student.

You are ten years old.

You are smart. 


Job is a good word when you practice “be.” 

I am a journalist.

You are a professional guitar player.

My brother is an actor.

My dream is a comedian in the future.



We use “be” for time and weather. 

What time is it now?

Do you have the time?

It is 9 pm.

It is sunny today.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:22

1. Be動詞⭐︎


  1.  Iならam

  2.  youとthey,その他複数形はare

  3.  she, he, itやその他単数なら is






beは原型です。今後習う助動詞can, willなどの後はbeになります。

Being, to beなど動名詞やto不定詞ではbeが基本です。




I am Japanese.


You are young.


He is tall.


She is cute.


It is not book. It is note.


They are junior high school students. 





You are student.


You are ten years old.


You are smart.


などたくさんの You areを耳で聴いて、音読も一緒にすれば、Youとareがセットになっていて、You isのような間違えをしなくなります。


Listeningとして、 You are と Yourは中々聞き取りにくいですが、この二つを聞き取れなくてもリスニングはちゃんと上達するのでご安心ください。


I am 

She is 

He is

などもセットでリスニング及びスピーキングで練習してみてください。 Be動詞の後はなんでも良いです。Journalist, professional guitar player, actor, comedianなど職業とかが良いでしょうか。



時間や天気などはit is の形です。


Do you have the time?

What time is it now?



It is 10pm.  


It is sunny today.

1-2. Do|Have|Get⭐︎

We advise using basic words such as do, have, and get. These three words are helpful.


1.    Do

“Do” is the most basic word among English words. 


For example, do the laundry means washing clothes. There are many “Do plus ABC.” 


I do the dishes after I had dinner. This phrase means washing dishes.




2.    Have

“Have” is used in many situations.

I have many friends. I have some toys.


Another use is “We have lunch together.” 

I had bread and egg for breakfast this morning.


Let’s have curry with rice for lunch.


Another use is “have a meeting with Mr. Sato.”


There are a lot of ways to use “have.” Also, “have” is used in many idioms.



3.    Get

“Get” is also used on many occasions.


“Get” means becoming something like emotions and actions.

For example, I get angry at one of my friends. We get excited to hear that news.


“To start something” is “Let’s get started.” 


When we use a bus, we get on the bus. Or, please kindly get off the train at Tokyo station. 

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:17

1-2. 動詞はまず基本から⭐︎

Do, Have, Getの3個だけでも日常の英語はかなりカバーできます。


1. Do


​Do the laundry 洗濯する


I do the dishes after I had a dinner



2. Have



I have many friends.


Have a breakfast


Have curry with rice for lunch


Have a meeting with Mr. Sato


3. Get



I get angry at one of my friends.

We get excited to hear that news.



Let's get started.



He gets on the bus


Please get off the train at Tokyo station.


2. and⭐︎

“and” connects many words. Let’s study “and” here.


“and” connects “subject and subject,” “verb and verb,” “object and object”,  and “sentence and sentence.”


When “and” connects “subject and subject,”

My friends and I plan to travel to Tokyo.

My mother and my father are kind to my brother and me.

Nike and Adidas are famous sports brands.

Canada and Mexico are located in the American continent.


When “and” connects “verb and verb,”

We go to the shopping center and buy chocolate and milk.

We meet and play at the park.

Can you drive and take me to the station?


When “and” connects “object and object”,

I want to drink beer and wine.

My sister studies Math and English at the university.

We enjoyed Nintendo and Play Station together.

My wife can speak Japanese, English, and Italian.


When “and” connects “sentence and sentence,”

My family enjoyed our trip to Tokyo last year, and we plan to travel to Osaka this year.

She came to my house, and we enjoyed cooking together.

Summer is hot in Japan, and winter is cold and dry.


When “and” connects “to do and to do,”

We learned how to speak English and how to send a message in English.

My English teacher advises students to collect information about the university and apply for it.


When “and” connects “adjective and adjective,”

The ocean here is blue and clean.

This dish is spicy and tasty.

Can you eat spicy and salty foods?



“and” connects only the same type of words.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:17

2. and⭐︎





My friends and I plan to travel to Tokyo.

My mother and my father are kind to me and my brother.


We go to the shopping center and buy chocolate and milk.

We meet and play at the park.


I want to drink beer and wine.

My sister study Math and English at the university.


​My family enjoyed our trip to Tokyo last year, and we plan to travel to Osaka this year.

She came to my house, and we enjoyed cooking together.

to do不定詞もくっつけます。

We learned how to speak English and how to send a message in English.


Ocean here is blue and clean.

This dish is spicy and tasty.



2-2. or⭐︎

“or” selects many words like “and” connects. Let’s study “or” here. “or” means “A or B.”


“or” selects “subject or subject,” “verb or verb,” “object or object.”


When “or” selects “subject or subject,”

My friend or I will be chosen as a leader of our team.

My mother or my father goes to the station to pick me up.

Nike or Adidas is the number 1 sports brand.

Thai food or Vietnamese food is today’s daily lunch.


When “or” selects “verb or verb,”

We go to the shopping center or watch DVDs at home.

Which do you practice English, “listen to English or read English newspaper?


When “or” connects “object or object”,

Which do you want to drink beer or wine?

My sister chooses Math or English as her major in university program.

Each student can select Japanese, English, or Italian for studying second language.



“or” selects only the same type of words.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:06

2-2. or⭐︎





My friend or I will be chosen as a leader of our team.


My mother or my father goes to the station to pick me up.



We go to the shopping center or watch DVDs at home.


Which do you practice English, “listen to English or read English newspaper?


Each student can select Japanese, English, or Italian for studying second language.

​A, BかCと3つ以上でもorは使えます。

andと同じで、orも同じ仲間でA, B, Cをつなげるのが基本です。

2-3. but⭐︎

"but" says "different", "opposite", or "other than something." Also, "but" connect "subject or subject," "verb or verb," "object or object."


When "but" says "different,"

I did not study Math hard, but my score was good.

My sister ate breakfast a lot, but she is still hungry.

He is not a baseball player but a soccer player.

The next class is not English but Science.


"not only A but also B" is an idiom.

He will travel not only to China but also to Singapore.

We need to study not only Japanese History but also World History.

Not only you but also I will take the English test.



When "but" says "except,"

I do not like to study except English.

She likes almost all foods except spicy foods.

Japan is a great place to live except commuting on the crowded train.

School is a good place to study except it is an old building.



"but" say 'opposite' only the same type of words.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:06

2-3. but⭐︎



I did not study Math hard, but my score was good.


My sister ate breakfast a lot, but she is still hungry.


not only A but also Bはよく使われる熟語です。

We need to study not only Japanese History but also World History.


She likes almost all foods except spicy foods.


3.  Now, Future and Past⭐︎

English has different phrases to show present, past, and future.


1.        Present.

We usually use “present.”

“present” includes today, now, at present, this month, this week, etc.


I get up at 7 am every morning.


My father goes to his office on weekdays.


We go to our elementary school Monday through Friday.


The library in this town is open every day.


It is sunny today.


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.



2.        Future.

Future includes tomorrow, day after tomorrow, next month, next week, in the future, etc.


“will do” and “be going to do “are used for the future.


I will get up at 8 am tomorrow.


My family is going to visit Tokyo Disney Resort this weekend.


My younger sister will be ten years old the next summer.


We are going to go to the soccer stadium tomorrow.


We will have a meeting with Mr. Sato the day after tomorrow.


Another form of “future” is “plan to do.”


I plan to study English this weekend.


I want to travel to the USA in the future.



3.        Past.


English changes do into “did” for the past.

“have” changes into “had.”

“get” changes into “got.”


My mother got up at 6 am this morning.


My big brother studied homework yesterday.


There are many words to show “past,” such as yesterday, last week, and last year.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:39

3. 昨日、今日と明日⭐︎


  1. 現在はpresent


今日today, 今now, 現在at present, 今月this month, 今週this monthのようにthisを使うことが多いです。

I get up at 7 pm every morning.私は7時に毎朝起きます。

My father goes to his office on weekdays.おとんは平日仕事でオフィスに行きます。

We go to our elementary school Monday through Friday.



The library in this town is open every day.


It is sunny day today.今日は晴れです。

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.一年には四季、春夏秋冬があります。


 2. 未来はfuture

明日はtomorrow, 明後日はday after tomorrow, 来月はnext month,来週はnext weekと未来のことを表します。

nextはよく使います。未来はin the futureです。

未来ではwill doとbe going to doを使います。

I will get up at 8 am tomorrow.


My family are going to visit Tokyo Disney Resort on this weekend.


My family will go to Universal Studio Japan in next month.


My younger sister will be 10 years old in the next summer.


We are going to go to the soccer stadium tomorrow.


We will have a meeting with Mr. Sato day after tomorrow.


[plan to do]の形で「〜を計画している、〜の予定」があります。この場合には、willやis going toがない形です。

I plan to study English on this weekend.


I want to travel to USA in the future.



3. 過去はpast


have→ had

do→ did

get→ got

My mother got up at 6 am this morning.


My big brother study homework yesterday.


​昨日 yesterday, 先週last week, 昨年last yearなどlast を用いることが多いです。

3.  how to write when⭐︎

English has some rules to write time such as day, month, etc. Learning these rules helps you communicate in English.



"at" is used to say a short time.

We will meet at 9 am.

Our English class starts at 11 am.


Morning, afternoon, and evening are "in."

My father takes a walk in every morning.

We are going to play tennis in this afternoon.

Can you come to my house in the evening?


"night" is with "at."

The concert will be over at night.

We go to bed at night.


"day" is with "on."

We plan to visit Paris on April 10th.

Do you have a Science class on Tuesday?

We do not need to work on weekends.                   


"in" is used for a month and a year.

Windows 10 was released in July 2015.

Tokyo Olympic was held in 1964.



"during" means period.

My family will travel to Hong Kong during winter vacation.

My English became better during the two-day course.

All students need to register for courses during the orientation week.


Continuing to do needs "for."

I live in Tokyo for five years.

My mother has worked at the library for six months.


"before" means earlier than a time.

We should check the email before we send it.

You need to arrive at the station before a train comes there.


"after" means later than a time.

Let's have dinner together after we finish work today.

We need to pay extra money when we arrived at the restaurant after 10 pm.


"by" means deadline.

You need to send a message to the client by tomorrow.

Newspaper is usually distributed to my house by 7 am every morning.


"until" and "till" means keep on doing something.

We waited for my father's call until 9 pm.

My work requires me to stay at the office until 5 pm.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:58

3. 時間の書き方⭐︎




We will meet at 9 am.


in 無しでも使われますが、つけるならinです。

We are going to play tennis in this afternoon.


なぜinじゃなくてat nightなのかはわかりません。


We plan to visit Paris on April 10th.


We do not need to work on weekends.  



Tokyo Olympic was held in 1964.



My family will travel to Hong Kong during winter vacation.




I live in Tokyo for five years.




We should check the email before we send it.


Let's have dinner together after we finish work today.



You need to send a message to the client by tomorrow.



We waited for my father's call until 9 pm.

3.  be doing⭐︎

“be doing” means “ someone or something does something NOW.”

“be doing” is called present continuous (sometimes called the present progressive) in English.


In general, “be doing” means something is happening or changing now when you are talking.


For example, 

Students are studying English in the classroom.

We are planning our travel to Kyoto.

The car is stopping at the parking area.

Children are playing the game together.

Are you preparing for the English test tomorrow?


Another use of “be doing” is to show a plan.

We are taking the test tomorrow.

I am visiting my uncle this weekend.


“be doing” is used for past and future as well.

“be doing with past” means do something in sometime in the past.

We were watching a soccer match on television when one of my friends came to our house yesterday.

My boss was writing the letter to his client when another client visited him.


“be doing with future” means a plan.

He will be meeting us the next Tuesday. 

We are having dinner together this evening.



As above, “be doing” has variations.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:07

3. 現在進行形⭐︎


Students are studying English in the classroom.



We are planning our travel to Kyoto.



The car is stopping at the parking area.




We are taking the test tomorrow.





We were watching soccer match on television when one of my friends came to our house yesterday.



He will be meeting us on the next Tuesday. 




このようにbe doingは基本的には行動している、変化していることを意味しますが、予定や計画の意味でも使われます。

4. can⭐︎

“can do” is used in many ways. 


1.        “ can do” means an ability.

2.        “ can do” means permission.

3.        “can do” means a request.

4.        “can do” means a possibility.


1.        “can do” of ability.

You can speak English.

He can swim well.

My brother can use his smartphone.


“be able to do” means similar to “can do.”

I am able to use my personal computer.

She is about to run fast.


When talking about a past event, you can use “could.”

You could play the piano at the age of ten.

You were able to ride on a bicycle yesterday.


2.        “can do” of permission.

When asking name in English, “can I have your name?”

Another way is “You can park your car here.”


3.        “can do” of request.

When you request something, you can use “can.”

For example, can you drive me to the station?


Other ways similar to “can you” are “will you do?”, “would you do?”, or “could you do?”

“Will you lend me your English textbook?


4.        “can do” of possibility.

It can be rainy tomorrow.

That story can be true, I think.


One of your questions about “can” is how you can judge which can? You do not need to worry. As you practice, you can do judge which “can.”

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:27

4. can⭐︎


can do 

be able to do


しかしながらcan にはたくさんの意味があります。

1 〜することができる、能力のcan

2 〜しても良いですか? 許可のcan

3 〜していただけますか? 依頼のcan

4 〜が起こりうる、〜かもしれない、 可能性のcan



1 「〜することができる」能力のcan

I can speak English.

You can do it.

のようにcan + 動詞の形で使います。


canの代わりにbe able to doも使えます。

She is able to run fast.


can doは現在形で過去形の場合にはcould doを用います。

You could play the piano at the age of ten.



同様にbe able to のbe動詞を過去形wasやwere にすることもできます。

I was able to ride on bicycle yesterday.




2 〜しても良いですか? 許可のcan


Can I have your name?




You can park your car here.


3 〜していただけますか? 依頼のcan

私を駅まで送ってもらえますか?のような依頼のcan です。

Can you drive me to the station?


can you do?以外にもwill you do? would you do? など依頼はいくつかありますが、その中の一つがcan you do?です。


4 〜が起こりうる、〜かもしれない、 可能性のcan


It can be rainy tomorrow.





4-2 may/might⭐︎

“may” and “might” are useful words.


“may” means mainly two meanings: 

1. Possibility and 2. Permission.


“may” is similar to “can.”


1.           “may” of possibility

The train may be delayed because of rain.

You may think that that news is fake.

It may be true that this artist wins the number 1 on the J-Pop weekly chart.


2.           “may” of permission

May I park my car in this space?

Because I have a plan this evening, may I leave the office early?

You may use this computer.


“may” and “can” is alike with each other. A small difference between the two words is that “may” is a bit of hierarchy and that “can” is a flat relationship.




“might” means almost the same as “may of possibility.”


You might fail the exam. 

This phrase means that you will pass the exam because “might” means low possibility.


She might come to the ceremony with her children.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:03

4-2 may/might⭐︎

can 以外に大事な助動詞が may | might の2つです。




The train may be delayed because of rain.



May I park my car at this space?


May I do ~?で「〜しても良いですか?」は許可を求める際によく使われます。


mayと can は似たような使い方ですが、canの方が若干フラットな関係、mayは少し上下関係があるような違いです。




You might fail the exam.




4-3 should⭐︎

“should do” has several meanings. Mainly, the following two ways are basic.

1.           “should do” means an obligation.

2.           “should do” means presumption.


1.           “should do” means obligation, saying something correct or the best thing to do.

You should do homework before playing the game.

All businesses should take corporate social responsibility to keep their brand.

Should we finish this task today?

We should be kind to others.


“had better do” is similar to “should do” of obligation.

You had better have breakfast every morning.

You had better study hard to pass the English test.



2.           “should do” means presumption, saying something is probably accurate or likely.

Giants should win the baseball league this year.

The news that Japan experiences a decrease in its populations in the future should be correct.

He should apply to the university.


“ought to do” is similar to “should do” of presumption.

The flight ought to land on time today.

She ought to come to my house in a few minutes.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:06

4-3 should⭐︎




You should do homework before playing the game.


Should we finish this task today?





Giants should win the baseball league this year.



Ought to doもこのshouldと同じような意味です。

She ought to come to my house in a few minutes.


4-4 must⭐︎

“must do” has mainly two ways as follow:

  1. “must do” means obligation.

“must not do” means ban.

2.        “must do” means certainty.


  1. “must do” means strong obligation. 

We must pay consumption tax at 10% in Japan. 

All drivers must follow driving laws. 

Promising with others means you must something for them.


“have to do” is similar to “must do”.

Do you have to study Math this afternoon?

My boss has to give feedback his team members.


“must not do” means ban. You should be cautious with "must  not".

Children must not drink beer. 

We must not smoke while walking the street.

​All people must not do crime.


2. “must do” means certainty.

That news about climate change must be true.

You must be smart because you are good at Math.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 00:57

4-4 must⭐︎




We must pay consumption tax at 10% in Japan. 




have to doはmust doに近い意味です。

My boss has to give feedback his team members.

要注意なのがmust not「〜してはいけない」という禁止の意味になります。

do not have to「〜しなくても良い」とはnotの意味が違います。


That news about climate change must be true.


4-5 would⭐︎

“would” is used in various ways.


1.           “would” of future from the past

“would” is used to talk about what someone was willing to do or what something was able to do.

She said to me yesterday that she would travel to New York.

My brother knew he needs to finish the homework by the next day.

I did not know that my father would change his job the next week.



2.           “would” of polite request.

Would you mind sharing a room?

Would you drive me to the station?

Would you like an aisle seat, or would you prefer to be by the window?

Is that enough potato, or would you like some more?



3.           “would like to do” is similar to “want to do.”

Would you like to go to the concert this weekend?

He would like to pass the English exam.

I would like you to lend me your notebook.

I would like to lose weight.

My child would like a new game.


4.           “if and would”

If I were a bird, I would fly in the air.

If you were a genius, what would you do?

If you were given one million yen, what would you buy with that money?

If I was good at studying, I would become a professor of Science.


Moreover, “would” have more ways to be used. 

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:09

4-5 would⭐︎


1. willの過去形としてのwould

2.   お願いのwould you  do?

3.   want to do の代わり would like to do

4.   仮定法のwould


1 will の過去 

She said to me yesterday that she would travel to New York.


2 Would you do?


Would you drive me to the station?


わりと丁寧な表現がwoud you do 〜?です。



3 would like to do

I would like to doや I woud like Aはよく使います。

I would like to lose weight.

My child would like a new game.




4 仮定法の場合 wouldがよく出てきます。

If I was good at studying, I would become a professor of Science.


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