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⭐︎    Basic      読みやすい

⭐︎⭐︎ Intermediate 読み応えがある

​January through June ⭐︎

A year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. There are 365 days in a year.

January is the first month of the year and has 31 days. The first day of the month is known as New Year's Day. There are many festivals to celebrate the new year across the world.


February has 28 days in common years or 29 in leap years, with the 29th day called the leap day. Why does February have only 28 or 29 days, fewer than other months?


March is named after Mars. In the Northern Hemisphere, the meteorological beginning of spring occurs on March 1. March's birthstones are aquamarine. This stone symbolizes courage. In Japan, March is the month of graduation because it is the end of the Japanese fiscal year.


April is the fourth month of the year and the first of four months to have 30 days. In Japan, April is the start of the fiscal year. April is commonly associated with autumn in parts of the Southern Hemisphere and spring in parts of the Northern Hemisphere.


May's birthstone is the emerald, the symbol of love and success. Japanese have vacation week in the first week of May. 


June is the sixth month of the year, the second of four months to have 30 days. June contains the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day with the most daylight hours, and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the day with the fewest daylight hours. In Japan, June is a rainy season.


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00:00 / 01:36

​上半期 ⭐︎








January through June ⭐︎⭐︎

A year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 with 365 days in a year.


January is the first month of the year and has 31 days. Many corporations adopt the fiscal year starting on January 1 and ending on December 31. The first day of the month is a holiday in many countries to celebrate the coming of a new year.


February has 28 days in common years or 29 in leap years, with the 29th day called the leap day. Why does February have only 28 or 29 days, by two days fewer than other months? In the northern hemisphere, this month, as well as January, is the coldest. 


March is named after Mars. In the Northern Hemisphere, the meteorological beginning of spring occurs on March 1. March's birthstones are aquamarine. This stone symbolizes courage. In Japan, March is the month of graduation because it is the end of the academic year in Japan. Many people wear traditional clothes when they attend the graduation ceremony.


April is the first of four months to have 30 days. In Japan, April is the start of the fiscal year. In Japanese companies, many move to another location through transfer or job rotation this month. April is commonly associated with autumn in parts of the Southern Hemisphere.


May's birthstone is the emerald, the symbol of love and success. Japanese have vacation week in the first week of May. Trains and airplanes in this period are such a crowded environment like a rush-hour of commuting. 


June is the sixth month of the year, the second of four months to have 30 days. June contains the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day with the most daylight hours, and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the day with the fewest daylight hours. In Japan, June is a rainy season.

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00:00 / 01:36

上半期 ⭐︎⭐︎











Second half ⭐︎

July is the seventh month of the year with 31 days. July was named by the Roman Senate in honor of Roman general Julius Caesar. July is, on average, the warmest month in Northern Hemisphere, and it is and the coldest month in the Southern Hemisphere. In most schools in Japan, July is the end of the first semester.


August is vacation season in many countries. Many Japanese visit their hometown during the vacation week. There are many summer festivals throughout Japan in August. Almost all schools have no class in August. August is the end of the school year in some countries, such as the US. August is hot and humid in Tokyo.


September is the start of the academic year in many countries of the northern hemisphere, in which children go back to school after the summer break, sometimes on the first day of the month. In Japan, September is the start of the second semester. September's birthstone is the sapphire. 


October is the tenth month of the year.  Many schools have school festivals in October. There is a national holiday in Japan, called Sports Day. It commemorates the opening of the 1964 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo. 


November is the eleventh month of the year. November is in Autumn in Japan. Culture Day is a national holiday held annually in Japan on November 3 to promote culture, the arts, and academics. Festivities typically include art exhibitions, parades, and award ceremonies for distinguished artists and scholars.


December is the twelfth and final month of the year. In many countries, the second half of December is the holiday season. Japanese schools set a winter vacation too. December contains the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day with the fewest daylight hours, and the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the day with the most daylight hours.

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00:00 / 02:17

下半期 ⭐︎







Season ⭐︎⭐︎

A season is a division of the year based on changes in weather, ecology, and the number of daylight hours. Changes in sunlight decide the seasons. Various cultures define the number and nature of seasons based on regional variations. There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Autumn can be called fall. 


Seasons are usually decided by temperature. Summer is the hottest quarter of the year, and winter is the coldest quarter of the year. Spring and autumn have mild weather. The seasons in Japan, located in the Northern Hemisphere, are the opposite of those in Australia, located in the Southern Hemisphere. Regions near the Equator have little change in terms of temperature. In these areas, there is almost the same length of daylight in every season. 


Each season has almost three months. Spring begins on 1 March, summer on 1 June, autumn on 1 September, and winter on 1 December.

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00:00 / 01:03

季節 ⭐︎⭐︎




​季節は大体3ヶ月ごとに移り変わっていきます。春は3月、夏は6月、秋は9月 冬は12月から始まります。

Season easy version ⭐︎

One season is one of the four periods of the year. There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Autumn is called fall.


Four seasons are different from each other in sunlight, rain, wind, etc. Changes in sunlight decide the seasons. Many cultures set the seasons based on their standard. 


Seasons are usually decided by temperature. Summer is the hottest among them, and winter is the coldest. Spring and autumn have mild weather. The seasons in Japan are the opposite of those in Australia.


Countries near the Equator such as Indonesia and Singapore have little temperature change. In these countries, there is almost the same length of daylight in every season. 


Each season has almost three months. Spring begins on 1 March, summer on 1 June, autumn on 1 September, and winter on 1 December.

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00:00 / 00:59

季節 ⭐︎










大体3ヶ月ごとに移り変わっていきます。春は3月、夏は6月、秋は9月 冬は12月から始まります。

One year
Four Seasons
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