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Learn English in English⭐︎⭐︎

The best way to learn English is to learn it in English, LRIGHT ENGLISH believes.


We assume that teaching English in Japanese is one of the problems. English and Japanese have few points in common. For instance, the structure of English differs from that of Japanese. 


While English is direct and straightforward, Japanese is not straight. Japanese is easy to show respect to a counterpart, but English expressions between two individuals or two organizations are flat regarding the relationship.


Pronunciations in Japanese are much different from those in English.


Simply speaking, the two languages differ a lot. 


Some might say that understanding English in Japanese is a necessary step to learn English. However, LRIGHT ENGLISH has to say “No” against this idea.


Learning English is to live in the English society. Our advice is short and simple “Let’s forget Japanese”. Almost all populations in English spoken countries speak English. Learning English is to imitate them.


You can practice translation later. That is not a problem.

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​⭐︎  Basic      読みやすい

⭐︎⭐︎  Intermediate  読み応えがある

Learn English in English ⭐︎

The best way to learn English is to learn English in English. We believe in this idea.


Teaching English in Japanese is one of the problems in English education in Japan. Why do some teachers teach English in Japanese? English and Japanese are different from each other. For instance, English grammar differs from that of Japanese. 


While English is direct and simple, Japanese is not so. Japanese is easy to show respect to others, but English phrases fit well with flat relationship. Japanese speaking is much different from English speaking.


Simply speaking, the two languages differ. 


You may think that understanding English in Japanese is a necessary step to learn English. However, Our opinion is “No” against this idea.


Learning English is to live in the English society. Our advice is short and simple “Let’s forget Japanese”. Almost all people in English spoken countries speak English. Learning English is to communicate like them.


You do not need to translate English into Japanese when studying English. You can learn how to do it later. 

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How babies learn their native language?⭐︎

Almost all Japanese can speak Japanese as a native speaker.

Infants hear their parents talking to them and imitate their parents such as "Dad and Mom". Kids are able to talk with their parents, friends and teachers. Children learn how to write words at school. 

The process of learning a native language is as follows:

1. Listen to parents

2. Speak with parents

3. Read picture books

4. Write words

In each step, children start from basic words to a phrase to a sentence.

This process to learn a language is almost the same across the world. We can learn English in this way! 

​We all have the experience of learning our native language, Japanese. All we need to do is to do the four steps of learning a language in English.

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1. 親から言葉を「聞く」

2. 親に「話す」

3. 絵本や文字を「読む」

4. 文字、文を「書く」





1. リスニング

2. スピーキング

3. リーディング

4. ライティング


​LRIGHT ENGLISHをご覧の皆さんはこの順番で言語を身につけた経験をお持ちなのですから。

Simple and basic English⭐︎⭐︎

When you study English grammar and English expressions, we advise you to learn these through simple and basic English.


Can you read the following two sentences?


1.        Ken and I will play soccer in the park.

2.        Zuckerberg and Saverin will launch a novel platform from their garage.


No. One is much easier to read than No. two. The two require advanced level English.


Which is good to learn “will,” how to use “in,” “from”? 


We think that simple and basic English is best to study grammatical rules. If you have no idea on word meaning in a sentence, that sentence is too difficult to learn grammar.


When you face difficult English, is it because of a vocabulary problem or a grammatical problem? It is good to know the reason.

Let's Listen
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1. Ken and I will play soccer in the park tomorrow.

2. Zuckerberg and Saverin will launch a novel platform from their garage.



未来形のwill, 前置詞in, fromの使い方, 主語が複数になる場合の語順などこれら二つの文は共通点が多いです。

これら文法や英語表現を学ぶ場合には、簡単な単語を用いた方が学びやすいとLRIGHT ENGLISHは考えています。単語がわからないと、文法や英語表現を学ぶよりも手前の時点でつまづいているからです。

LRIGHT ENGLISHは説明についてシンプルで簡単な英語を用いることを心がけています。


Learn with partner⭐︎

We advise you to learn English with friends and family. English is a communication tool, so learning it with someone helps you. When you study English together, you will know that small mistakes are no problem and that your English does not have to be perfect. Also, you will find room for improvement in your English.


If a face-to-face situation is not around you, how about watching an English YouTube channel together with your friends or family? Some movies have a subtitle in English. It can be good training.


Speaking practice needs some interactions. As qualification tests may require you to interview in English, you should practice speaking English before the test.


Another merit of learning English with others is to keep the motivation to learn English. English skill results from making a continuous effort, so having a partner for studying English supports you to continue the training. Especially, the key to making children willing to learn English is their parents.

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In English
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