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⭐︎  Basic               読みやすい

⭐︎⭐︎  Intermediate 読み応えがある

​Our basics ⭐︎

All people speak their mother language and never forget it. This fact is universal all over the world. In this sense, we have all succeeded in gaining language skills.


Infants start a series of steps by hearing words from parents. The second step is to speak a phrase such as "Dad" and "Mom". Kids are genius in imitating. When Babies grow and become kids, they learn how to read characters such as ABC. Then they come to be able to write the characters. 


Only Japanese is a public language in Japan. Though English and Japanese are written at navigations in public spaces, most Japanese cannot speak English well. On the other hand, some countries designate several languages as public ones. In these nations, multilingual is not rare. 


Literacy, meaning the ability to read and write, is almost 100% in Japan, while some countries are lower. Some populations of those countries can listen and speak but cannot read or write.  


From the three points above, LRIGHT ENGLISH sets up as our principle:

1.           Respect the process of learning a native language

2.           No unique talent is necessary to learn a second language

3.           Gain four skills

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:22

​言葉を使うとは ⭐︎











これら3つの事実から、L R I G H T  E N G L I S H では

  • 赤ちゃんが言葉を使いこなすようになる順序を実証済のやり方と尊重する

  • 複数の言葉を身につけるのに特別な才能は不要

  • 聞く話す読む書くの4技能ができることは教育の賜物で素晴らしいこと


​Our basics ⭐︎⭐︎

We have the will to respect the three principles written below. Assuring these points will lead to positive results in our operation with social and educational missions.


All individuals speak their mother language. They are familiar with their mother tongue regardless of their background, such as nationality, culture, ethnicity, religion, language, gender, creed, etc. No one can deny that this fact is fair and universal across the world.


Infants imitate what they hear from their parents. They come to speak words or short phrases such as "Dad" and "Mom." Kids are gifted in and eager to increasing their vocabulary and figuring out grammatical rules in a language. When Babies grow kids, their coverage of language competencies gradually expands into how to read basic words such as apple, banana, sun, train, toy, character, etc. Finally, they come to be able to write the characters at the age of 5 or 6. 


No other languages but Japanese are a public language in Japan. Though English and Japanese are written at navigations in public spaces, most Japanese are not fluent in speaking English well. On the other hand, some countries designate several languages as a public ones. Those who live in these nations speak more than their native language, and multilingualism is not rare.


Literacy, meaning the ability to read and write, is almost 100% in Japan. At the same time, some countries have a lower rate than Japan due to educational, social, or economic conditions. That ordinary resident have literacy or can afford suitable training to acquire language skills indicates society already developed enough.

Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:57

​言葉を使うとは ⭐︎⭐︎








Commitment ⭐︎

Our priority is our customers. LRIGHT ENGLISH sets several points as a guideline to make our service beneficial to our customers.


1. Do not put a pop-up advertisement.


2. Our English is concise with the minimum amount of Japanese.


3. Our audios have different kinds of English. These include US English, UK English, Australian English, and Indian English.

4. KISS: Keep it simple and short.


5. Respect your schedule. English is only a part of your daily life.


6. We recognize that English plays an influential role in choosing your path.


7. Do not ask for perfection. Instead, let’s go forward.


8. A simple interface so that you can focus on learning English.


9. We are particular about a topic to create an interesting article. We know a boring topic does not attract our customer.


Let's Listen
00:00 / 01:04

​お約束 ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISHはご利用の皆様が英語学習に集中できるよう心がけております。

1. ポップアップ広告は学習の集中を妨げるので一切なし

2. 説明はできるだけ初級の英語で行い、日本語を最小限にする

3. 英語はアメリカ、イギリス、オーストラリア、インドのナレーターを幅広く採用

4. KISS keep it Simple and Short 簡潔に書く


5. 英語以外の学習や趣味、遊びの時間を奪わない

6. 受験における英語の大切さを踏まえた上で提案

7. 端から端まで完璧にするよりも、効率よく進む

8. わかりやすいインターフェース

9.  コンテンツの内容をありきたりなものではなく、実用的で読みたくなるトピックにする



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