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Teacher E

Teacher E is a globally-minded business leader. She hopes to deliver a new option for studying English. Her career in the medical industry includes multiple business functions from sales to finance and tax. She loves to play musical instruments on weekends. Teacher E earned her bachelor degree with high distinction from Sophia University.

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​Teacher Y

Y believes studying is to support people’s life. He wishes to expand high-quality English education throughout Japan. He worked for a global financial company for more than ten years. Y has done international communication in a challenging environment. Y graduated from the international MBA program.

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Supports Wanted!

We welcome partnership with individuals and institutions that share the goal of the equality of English Education. We are looking for several partnership opportunities; please kindly contact us if you are the right one.


1.        Free or more reasonable plan than our regular plan. 

LRIGHT ENGLISH supports an organization that supports those who need supports.  If English education helps you, we stand with you.


2.        Promotion program.

If you share the same passion with us to expand high-quality English education throughout Japan, you are our promotion supporter.  Please kindly support us by listing our flyer in your workplace, sharing our pages and/or SNSs, and introducing us to your team.


3.        Volunteer program.

Are you a member of a charity or volunteer group?  We may be able to support you by providing our content. 

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00:00 / 01:02


LRIGHT Englishは英語教育の機会平等に資するという目的を共有し、ご協力いただけるアンバサダーを募集しております。アンバサダーには様々な参加の形がございますので、ご一緒をお願いできます方は個人法人問わずお問い合わせください。


1 (現在は開発中の)学習サービスを団体として安価もしくは無料でご利用


例)子育て世帯を応援している子供食堂、社会福祉法人や教育や就労支援のN P Oまたは企業


2 LRIGHT ENGLISHのチラシ掲示をお願いできる個人法人

例)英語以外の塾や予備校でLRIGHT ENGLISHチラシを掲示いただける団体や個人(町内会などもウェルカムです)、またはネスプレッソアンバサダーのような組織内でLRIGHT ENGLISHの紹介いただける方


3  LRIGHT ENGLISHを利用して子供たちのために無料や安価で学習サポートを行なっている個人法人


Business model ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISH believes in the equality of English education. High-quality education is valuable to all people, and this must not be selective or too expensive. The opportunity of learning English should be widespread and easy access.


English is a convenient tool in many fields. This language is used in academics, business, entertainment, and so on. Your life will be more fun if you are fluent in English. You may travel overseas, or you work for a multinational company. 


LRIGHT ENGLISH is afraid that, due to high cost, some children do not receive sufficient supports to learn English. We do not intend to deny expensive services in English education. At the same time, we believe that a high-quality English program should be offered to all students.

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00:00 / 00:52

ビジネスモデルがSDGs ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISHは英語教育の機会平等と、事業自体がSDGsにピッタリです。質の高い教育をすべての人へ、という主旨がSDGsの一つにございます。





​LRIGHT ENGLISHはビジネスそのものがSDGsに資する。むしろSDGsに合うようにビジネスを設計した、と言っても良いくらいです。

Business model ⭐︎⭐︎

We believe everyone should have equal access to English education. High-quality education is valuable to all people. It is not good that only a limited number of people can learn English. English education should be open to everyone.


English is a nice tool in many areas. This language is used in academics, business, entertainment, and so on. English skills will help you in many fields in the future.


Your life will be more fun if you can speak English. With English skills, you can travel overseas or work for a multinational company.  What do you want to do with English?


We think English education is not at a high price. However, some children do not receive supports to learn English due to the cost. We do not say bad about high-cost services in English education. At the same time, we believe that a high-quality English program should be available to all students.

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00:00 / 01:11

​ビジネスモデル ⭐︎⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISHは英語教育の機会平等と、事業自体がSDGsにピッタリです。質の高い教育をすべての人へ、とごく一部向けの教育はあまり英語に馴染まないかなと思います。





Donation ⭐︎⭐︎

We intend to donate to SDGs. Plans are under consideration now. If our plans are fixed, we will make them public on our website and SNSs.


Our donation amount is 10% of the total fees that our customer pays every month. We have struggled with developing the service. Also, we are looking for a partner among educational and authorized organizations. This plan is our fixed amount donation.


Moreover, we are considering another donation called a learning-based donation. The amount of donation fluctuates. We think about a systematic calculation like counting on the number of playing our YouTube channel or the number of monthly visits to our web-based content. Once we determine our plan, we will inform you on our page. We are going to adjust the calculation as we see numbers.


Our core value is to contribute to the equality of English Education. We wish to reflect our value into the two donations as our corporate social responsibility. Also, these work as a channel in which you support the equality of education by learning English. Thank you so much for your kindness.

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英語学習が社会貢献 ⭐︎⭐︎









Workstyle ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISH recognizes the importance of how we work. We are not workaholics at all. We, as an employer, do not require a lot of overtime work. 


We listen to employees’ situations. Some may need to take care of their family, and others want to spend much on their hobbies. These are all ok in our team. We have no intention to deny work hard. On the other hand, we respect the idea of “play hard, and work moderately.” 


Our working style is flexible. LRIGHT ENGLISH thinks employees work better if they have the right to how they work.

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働き方のルール ⭐︎




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