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What are SDGs? ⭐︎

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty and other deprivations with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth. At the same time, humankind should tackle climate change and preserve our natural environments, such as our oceans and forests.


The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.


According to the United Nations website, countries and the Unite nations concluded the SDGs based on decades of work. The Member States unanimously adopted the Millennium Declaration in September 2000, leading to the eight Millennium Development Goals to reduce extreme poverty by 2015.


The Johannesburg Declaration, adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in 2002, reconfirmed the commitments to decrease poverty and conserve the environment.


In June 2012, Member States adopted the document "The Future We Want" to launch a process to develop a set of SDGs. The process culminated in the subsequent adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 SDGs at its core, at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015.

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00:00 / 01:53

SDGsとは ⭐︎






Learn SDGs in English ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISH know the importance of SDGs.


You can learn SDGs through learning ENGLISH in LRIGHT ENGLISH. Some of our content is about SDGs. 


We make our content easy to learn. There are many topics related to SDGs, such as environment, human rights, and Education. Words used on our website are familiar ones so that you can enjoy studying English.


SDGs cover large areas from energy to natural resources to animals to plants. The primary objective is to learn English, and SDGs are secondary. 


We continually upload SDGs related articles to our website. We hope you enjoy them.

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00:00 / 00:41

SDGsが英語の題材 ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISHは英語を学びながらSDGsも同時に学ぶことができるように教材にSDGsを多く取り入れます。





Ocean and energy

Water is a global problem and a risk over the next ten years. Not all countries have enough water. A small rain can also cause water shortage and damage water quality, and some countries introduced water management.


Water problems affect more than 40 % of people, and two-thirds of people experience water shortage at least one month of the year. In addition, half a billion people face tough water shortages around a year. 


The sea covers about 70% of the earth. Global warming has made negative impacts on the sea. Ocean is home to plants, fishes, etc. Saving the ocean is important to all of us. 


We can enjoy water sports and experience the beautiful sea. Popular honeymoon travel for Japanese couples includes Hawaii, Maldives, Fiji, and small island resorts in the Pacific Ocean. The ocean environment supports each local economy and local people’s lives.


One of the actions we can do is to decrease CO2. A car, a train, and an airplane use energy to drive. Also, as renewable energy becomes popular, driving will be environment-friendly to nature. 


Renewable energy is made from water, sunlight, wind, heat, etc. Some European countries use renewable energy to make all electricity. The combination of electric cars and renewable energy can decrease global warming. 

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00:00 / 01:28










Donation ⭐︎

We want to inform you that LRIGHT ENGLISH plans to donate to SDGs. 


The amount of our donation is 10% of fees which our customers pay monthly. The paid service is under development. We will select which organizations among educational and authorized institutions. This plan is our fixed amount donation.



Moreover, we are considering another donation called a learning-based donation. The amount of donation is decided based on your learning English through LRIGHT ENGLISH. We may count on the number of your play our YouTube channel or the number of monthly visits to our web-based content. Once our plan is fixed, we will let you know on our page.


These two plans are our corporate social responsibility. Through learning English, you support the equality of education. Thank you so much for your kindness.

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00:00 / 00:54

英語学習が社会貢献 ⭐︎

LRIGHT ENGLISHはご利用いただく皆様へ、LRIGHT ENGLISHよりお伝えしておくべきことの一つが寄付についてです。







上記2つより、皆様の英語学習が困っている方々へ教育機会につながります。LRIGHT ENGLISHはビジネスの社会的責任を大事にしています。

Air pollution ⭐︎⭐︎

Pollution causes damages to our life and the natural environment.  Major forms of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, etc. 


Let's see air pollution. 


Some materials cause air pollution in the air. The substance can be solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. Some of these are in the air due to human activities.


Air pollution is harmful to the health of humans and may cause diseases to humans. Air pollution is one of the world's environmental health risks. Air pollution is a significant risk factor for many pollution-related diseases, including heart disease and lung cancer. Air pollution causes the deaths of many people worldwide each year.


Air pollution can have adverse effects on the ecosystem as well as on humans. It may cause harm to animals and food crops. Moreover, air pollution can damage the natural environment, such as climate change.


Both human activity and natural processes can generate air pollution. Various pollution control technologies and strategies are available to reduce air pollution. Also, international rules were implemented to reduce the impacts of air pollution.

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00:00 / 01:12

大気汚染 ⭐︎⭐︎






Air pollution ⭐︎

Pollution causes damages to human beings and nature. Major pollutions include air pollution, water pollution, etc. 


Let's see air pollution. 


Air pollution causes some materials in the air, including solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. Some of these are in the air due to human activities.


Air pollution is harmful to our health and may cause diseases to humans. Air pollution is a risk for many pollution-related diseases, including heart disease and lung cancer. Many people were killed by air pollution.


Air pollution can have harmful effects on nature too. It may cause damage to animals and agriculture. Moreover, air pollution can damage the natural environment, such as climate change.


Both human activity and natural processes can lead to air pollution. Various pollution control technologies are available to reduce air pollution. Also, there are international rules to reduce air pollution.

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00:00 / 01:02

大気汚染 ⭐︎







Gender Equality ⭐︎⭐︎

Gender equality is equal access to resources regardless of gender. In other words, gender equality is that people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Let's see what gender equality means and why it's essential.


Both men and women should have the opportunity to participate in all kinds of social activities. Both genders equally enjoy political, economic, and cultural benefits and share responsibilities. The human rights of men and women must be equally respected. 


There are many problems regarding gender equality. For example, many girls receive less support than boys to pursue the studies in some countries. The number of female politicians is less than that of male politicians in many nations. Some household tasks such as raising children are exclusively women's duties also. Gender inequality can be a cause of violence against women. Women's participation in politics and business remains lower in Japan than in other countries.


Gender equality brings about many benefits to our life. It is good for the economy. GDP would increase if the gender employment gap were closed. Gender equality makes our society safer and easier to live.

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00:00 / 01:22

男女平等 ⭐︎⭐︎





Gender Equality ⭐︎

Gender equality is equal access to education, work, politics between men and women. In other words, gender equality is that people of all genders have equal opportunities. Let's see what gender equality is and why it is essential.


Both men and women should have the opportunity to participate in school activities, works, and any other activities. Both men and women should enjoy political, economic, and cultural benefits and share responsibilities. Human rights must be equally respected for everyone. 


There are many problems regarding gender equality. For example, many girls receive less support than boys for studying in some countries. There are not many female politicians in Japan compared with male politicians. 


Taking care of children, doing the laundry, and cleaning rooms are still women's work in many cases. Gender inequality can lead to violence against women. Women's participation in politics and business remains lower in Japan than in other countries.


Gender equality benefits men too. It is good for the economy If the gender gap were closed. Gender equality makes our society safer and easier to live in.

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00:00 / 01:19

男女平等 ⭐︎










Human rights ⭐︎

What are human rights? For example, this notion includes the following points:

1.           life, liberty, and personal security

2.           a fair trial

3.           be presumed innocent until you’re proven guilty

4.           consult with a lawyer when arrested

5.           protected from discrimination


Human rights also cover the freedom of the following elements:

1.           religion, or religious notion

2.           thought, belief, opinion, and expression

3.           the press and other media


Human rights guarantee our actions such as:

1.           join groups

2.           hold peaceful meetings

3.           vote in elections


You are protected from:

1.           unreasonable search or seizure

2.           being detained or put in prison without a just reason


Human rights can differ depending on country, culture, tradition, era. Human rights will shift, adjusting to a social situation in the future.

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00:00 / 01:15

​人権とは ⭐︎



















Climate Change ⭐︎⭐︎

What is climate change?


Climate change is global warming driven by greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. 


The most significant driver of warming is the emission of gases that create a greenhouse effect, of which more than 90% are carbon dioxide (CO2). Human activities have increased carbon dioxide emissions, driving up temperatures. Fossil fuel burning (coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy consumption is the main source of these emissions.


The Earth's average temperature is about 15 Celsius but has been much higher and lower in the past. There are natural fluctuations in the climate, but scientists say temperatures are now rising faster than at many other times.


Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century, humans have had an unprecedented impact on Earth's climate. Extreme weather and melting polar ice are among the possible effects. 


Temperature rise on land is about twice the global average increase, leading to desert expansion and more common heat waves and wildfires. Warmer temperatures are increasing rates of evaporation, causing more intense storms and weather extremes.


Impacts on ecosystems include the relocation or extinction of many species as their environment changes in coral reefs, mountains, and the Arctic.

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00:00 / 01:11

気候変動 ⭐︎⭐︎







Climate Change ⭐︎

What is climate change?


Climate change is one of the environmental problems. Greenhouse gases cause global warming, which leads to climate change. 


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the largest factor among the greenhouse gases. Human activities have increased carbon dioxide emissions, driving up temperatures. Coal, oil, and natural gas used for energy consumption is the main reason.


The Earth's average temperature is about 15 Celsius. Scientists say temperatures are now rising faster than global warming in the past.


Though there have been previous periods of climatic change since the mid-20th century, humans have made a larger impact on Earth's climate. Extreme weather is among the possible effects. 


Global warming is one of the causes of desert expansion and more common heat waves and wildfires. A warmer temperature is related to more intense storms and weather extremes.


Impacts on ecosystems include the relocation or extinction of many species as their environment changes in coral reefs and mountains.

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00:00 / 01:11

気候変動 ⭐︎









Poverty ⭐︎⭐︎

Poverty is the state of not having enough material possessions or income for basic needs. Poverty is classified into several groups, such as social, economic, and political elements.


There are two types of poverty, absolute poverty, and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is the complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic needs, such as food, clothing, and house. Relative poverty occurs when a person cannot meet a minimum living standard compared to others in the same society. Therefore, relative poverty varies from one country to another or from one community to another.


Many governments and non-governmental organizations have worked to reduce poverty. Strategies of increasing income to make basic needs more affordable typically include welfare, economic freedoms, and prfinancial services. Meanwhile, the poorest citizens in middle-income countries have failed to receive them.


The bottom of the pyramid is the largest but poorest socio-economic group. As of 2019, more than 5% of the whole population live on less than $1.90 per day.


Developing countries often have some characteristics in common due to their histories or geographies. For example, with regards to health risks, they commonly suffer from:

・Limited access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene.

・Insufficient energy supply.

・Tropical and infectious diseases.

・Poor infrastructure.

Sometimes, there are also high crime rates, low education levels, corruption, and political instability.

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00:00 / 01:45

貧困 ⭐︎






Water ⭐︎⭐︎

Japan has rich water resources, compared to the global average. However, Japan experienced water shortages many times in its history. For example, in 1994, water supply was limited across Japan. Moreover, agriculture suffered production losses of 140 billion yen this year.


River flows change throughout the year. On the other hand, the water consumption does not change as large as the river flow. To keep water supply, the Japanese government constructed dams. After dams were built, households, agriculture, and industries can use water in all seasons of the year.


Water shortage is a global issue. Some countries do not have enough water. As the world population grows, this problem occurs in many countries. A lack of rainfall or pollution can also cause water shortage. According to World Economic Forum, water shortage is a global risk over the next decade.


Two-thirds of the global population live under some water shortage at least one month of the year. In addition, half a billion people in the world face severe water shortage all year round.

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00:00 / 01:13

水 ⭐︎⭐︎





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